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Synaptic transmission of excitation from the retina to cells in the pigeon's optic tectum
Authors:N Leresche  O Hardy  E Audinat  D Jassik-Gerschenfeld  
Abstract:Intracellular recordings were used to study the synaptic excitation of optic tectum neurons in the pigeon. Electrical stimulation of both contralateral optic nerve and ipsilateral optic tract evoked in the tectal neurons EPSPs which in most cases were followed by an IPSP. An extrapolation procedure based on response latency was used to reveal that the EPSPs were mediated by way of mono-, di- and polysynaptic connections with the retinal endings. The laminar location of the recorded cells was estimated according to the field potential and the recording depth with the exception of the cell which was intracellulary stained with HRP. Monosynaptic EPSPs were recorded from cells in the retinorecipient region (sublayers IIa-f) as well as in the non-retinorecipient region (sublayers IIg-j and layer III) of the tectum, while di- and polysynaptic EPSPs were never recorded from the input layers. Tectofugal projections arise largely from layer III neurons. Thus, these results indicate that retinal excitation is transmitted to the output tectal cells by way of mono-, di- or polysynaptic pathways. The conduction velocities of most retinal fibers mediating the EPSP ranged from 4 to 22 m/s (average 12 m/s). However, in a number of retinal fibers the conduction velocities were in a faster range, up to 36 m/s.
Keywords:optic tectum  synaptic transmission  EPSP  retinal afferent
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