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引用本文:高北陵,李志宏,陈建良,刘仁刚,丁树明,李映平,盛璐. 伪装与非伪装脑外伤患者数字再认测验结果分析[J]. 中国心理卫生杂志, 2003, 17(1): 50-53
作者姓名:高北陵  李志宏  陈建良  刘仁刚  丁树明  李映平  盛璐
作者单位:1. 518020,广东,深圳市精神卫生研究所医学鉴定科
2. 深圳市交警大队交通事故鉴定委员会
3. 深圳市人民医院神经外科
4. 518020,广东,深圳市精神卫生研究所临床心理科
基金项目:国家教育部“留学回国人员科研启动基金 (教外司留 2 0 0 1- 34 5),广东省医学科研基金立项课题 (A2 0 0 116 32 )
摘    要:目的:探讨二项数字再认测验(二项测验)对赔偿性脑外伤患者伪装智力低下的判定作用。方法:分析57例赔偿性脑外伤伴有伪装智力低下者与66例非赔偿性脑外伤患者二项测验结果的各统计参数,计算出伪装与非伪装的划界分。并作判定分析。结果:伪装组与非伪装组二项测验容易条目分,困难条目分,总分的得分及偏应商数差异有显著性;容易条目的回答正确数小于等于11分,或者困难条目的回答正确数小于等于7,或总分小于,等于18分可判定为伪装;判定的总正确率92.7%-100%,总错误率0%-7.3%。二项测验总分对伪装智力低下的判断正确率最高。结论:二项必选数字记忆测验是鉴别伪装智力低下的有效评定工具。

关 键 词:脑外伤 二项必选数字记忆测验 伪装 智力缺损 精神损伤鉴定

Binomial Forced-Choice Digit Recognition Test in Identification of Dissimulation of Intelligent Deficit in Asking Compensation after Traffic Accident
GAO Beiling,LI Zhihong,CHEN Jianliang et al. Binomial Forced-Choice Digit Recognition Test in Identification of Dissimulation of Intelligent Deficit in Asking Compensation after Traffic Accident[J]. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 2003, 17(1): 50-53
Authors:GAO Beiling  LI Zhihong  CHEN Jianliang et al
Affiliation:GAO Beiling,LI Zhihong,CHEN Jianliang et al Department of Forensic Psychiatry,Kangning Hospital of Shenzhen,Guangdong 5 18003
Abstract:Objective: To explore the validity of Binomial Forced-Cho ic e Digit Recognition Test (BFDRT) in detecting dissimulation of intellectual defi cit Method: 57 subjects with history of head injury in traffic and diagnosed as malingering in forensic assessment received BFDRT before the fo rensic assessment 66 subjects with similar head injury of other reasons were c o llected as control Discrimination analysis was done to determine the role of B F DRT in identifying malingering Result: The results of BFDRT sh o wed that there were significant differences of the two dimension scores, total s core and quotient of response bias between the two groups The accuracy of disc r imination was 92 7%-100%, with the rate of false positive 0-3%, the rate of fal se negative 1 8-14%, when the cut-off point was 11 on easy items, 7 on difficul t items and 18 on total score The total score had the highest accuracy in discr i mination Conclusion: BFDRT is useful in identifying dissimulat ion of intelligent deficit in asking compensation after traffic accident
Keywords:forensic psychiatry malingering case c ontrol study head injury traffic accident compensation
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