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引用本文:余绳美,蔡志超,胡钟兰. 流行性乙型脑炎505例临床分析[J]. 吉林大学学报(医学版), 1984, 0(2)
作者姓名:余绳美  蔡志超  胡钟兰
摘    要:<正> 流行性乙型脑炎(简称乙脑)至今仍是病死率较高的中枢神经系统传染病,其发病情况近二十年来在吉林省亦有增长趋势,且其临床表现具有某些特点。本文就我科1956~1982年间收容的乙脑住院病例共505例分析报告如下。

Clinical Analysis of 505 Cases of Japanese B Encephalitis
Abstract:Of the 505 patients (297 male and 208 female, mostly the young and the middle -aged) who presented with Japanese B encephalitis admitted to our department between 1956 and 1982,276 suffered from the common type(54.65%),184 the severe type (36.43%) and 45 the most severe type (8.9%) , with the peak incidence in September.The common symptoms were fever, coma, convulsions and paralysis of extremities.Complications developed in 186 cases (36.83%), including respiratory failure, pulmonary infections , hernia of brain, hemorrhage of the digestive tract and inflammation of the urinary tract etc. Convalescence symptoms such as psychic abnormalties, dementia, paralysis, convulsions,mobile spasm, tremor and decerebrate rigidity occurred in 115 patients (22.77%) .After failure of various kinds of treatment to control high fever, convulsion and increased intracranial pressure, 106 patients died from respiratory failure , 54 of whom had hernia of brain , the mortality rate accounting for 20.99% . From our practice, the cure rate can be increased greatly if tracheotomy is performed and respirator is used in time to keep the respiratory tract unobstructed and to improve cerebral anoxia.
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