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引用本文:袁肇凯,黄献平,李跃南,简亚平. 高脂血症中医痰瘀证候的临床症征计量分析[J]. 辽宁中医杂志, 2001, 28(5): 270-272
作者姓名:袁肇凯  黄献平  李跃南  简亚平
基金项目:湖南省教育委员会科研项目!(96 12 6 )
摘    要:参照数理诊断最大似然法计算出高脂血症痰瘀证候 (痰瘀阻络证、脾虚痰凝证、非痰非瘀证 )临床主要症征的条件概率 ,并建立起高脂血症痰瘀辨证计量诊断指数表。根据指数表计算症征积分 ,其回代性检验 (敏感性、特异性、准确性和可用性 )各项参数均达 83%以上 ,前瞻性检验的各项参数均达 6 3 %以上 ,表明本诊断指数表具有较好的实用性

关 键 词:计量诊断  辨证  高脂血症

Investigation on Quantitative Diagnosis of Clinical Manifestations of Hyperlidemia Diagnosed on the Basis of Differentiation of Phlegm Stasis
YUAN Zhao kai ,HUANG Xian ping ,LI Yue nan ,JIAN Ya ping. Investigation on Quantitative Diagnosis of Clinical Manifestations of Hyperlidemia Diagnosed on the Basis of Differentiation of Phlegm Stasis[J]. Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2001, 28(5): 270-272
Authors:YUAN Zhao kai   HUANG Xian ping   LI Yue nan   JIAN Ya ping
Affiliation:YUAN Zhao kai 1,HUANG Xian ping 1,LI Yue nan 2,JIAN Ya ping 1
Abstract:In the light of mathematical maximum likelyhood method,the conditioned probabitity of clinical manifestations in TCM syndrome of hyperlipidemia′s phlegm stasis was calculated to establish a “List of Quantitative Diagnosis Index of TCM Manifestations Differentiation for Phlegm Stasis in Hyperlidemia”.Based on the scoring of the above list,the rate of coincidence of retro spective test(susceptibility,particularity,accuracy,feasibility)of the three signs was more than 83%,and parameters of prospective test were more than 63% respectively.It suggested that list of quantitative diagnosis index be practical.
Keywords:quantitative diagnosis  differentiation of syndromes  hyperlipidemia
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