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Reciprocal effects of micro-RNA-122 on expression of heme oxygenase-1 and hepatitis C virus genes in human hepatocytes
Authors:Shan Ying  Zheng Jianyu  Lambrecht Richard W  Bonkovsky Herbert L
Affiliation:Department of Medicine, University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut, USA. ying.shan@umassmed.edu
Abstract:BACKGROUND & AIMS: Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is an antioxidant defense and key cytoprotective enzyme, which is repressed by Bach1. Micro-RNA-122 (miR-122) is specifically expressed and highly abundant in human liver and required for replication of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA. This study was to assess whether a specific miR-122 antagomir down-regulates HCV protein replication and up-regulates HO-1. METHODS: We transfected antagomir of miR-122, 2'-O-methyl-mimic miR-122, or nonspecific control antagomir, into wild-type (WT) Huh-7 cells or Huh-7 stably replicating HCV subgenomic protein core through nonstructural protein 3 of HCV (NS3) (CNS3 replicon cells) or NS3-5B (9-13 replicon cells). RESULTS: Antagomir of miR-122 reduced the abundance of HCV RNA by 64% in CNS3 and by 84% in 9-13 cells. Transfection with 2'-O-methlyl-mimic miR-122 increased HCV levels up to 2.5-fold. Antagomir of miR-122 also decreased Bach1 and increased HO-1 mRNA levels in CNS3, 9-13, and WT Huh-7 cells. Increasing HO-1 by silencing Bach1 with 50 nmol/L Bach1-short interfering RNA or by treatment with 5 mumol/L cobalt protoporphyrin or heme (known inducers of HO-1) decreased HCV RNA and protein by 50% in HCV replicon cells. CONCLUSIONS: Down-regulation of HCV replication using an antagomir targeted to miR-122 is effective, specific, and selective. Increasing HO-1, by silencing the Bach1 gene or by treatment with cobalt protoporphyrin or heme, decreases HCV replication. Thus, miR-122 plays an important role in the regulation of HCV replication and HO-1/Bach1 expression in hepatocytes. Down-regulation of miR-122 and up-regulation of HO-1 may be new strategies for anti-HCV intervention and cytoprotection.
Keywords:CHC, chronic hepatitis C   CNS3, HCV replicon expressing HCV subgenomic protein core through nonstructural protein 3   CoPP, cobalt protoporphyrin   DGCR8, the DiGeorge syndrome critical region gene 8   GAPDH, glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase   HCV, hepatitis C virus   HO, heme oxygenase   miRNA, micro-RNA   NCR, noncoding region   Nrf2, NF-E2-related factor 2   NS3, nonstructural protein 3 of HCV   NS5B, nonstructural protein 5b of HCV   NSCA, nonspecific control antagomir   PAGE, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis   R-luc, a stable Huh-7 line that expresses Renilla luciferase   SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate   UTR, untranslated region   WT, wild-type
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