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Characterization of a novel HLA-C allele,Cw*0315
Authors:Chapple S D J  Agudelo J D  Barnardo M C N M  Vargas-Cuero A L  Fuggle S V
Affiliation:Transplant Immunology, Oxford Transplant Center, Churchill Hospital, Oxford, UK.
Abstract:The presence of an unusual HLA class I reactivity pattern was detected in a Caucasoid-Asian individual by PCR-sequence specific primer (PCR-SSP) typing. Exons 2 and 3 were characterized using PCR-sequence-based typing (PCR-SBT) and were found to contain a novel Cw*03 sequence, Cw*0315. In the region studied, Cw*0315 was comprised mainly of the Cw*0302 sequence, but at four positions it contained nucleotides normally only found in other HLA Cw locus alleles. These positions each resulted in an amino acid substitution.
Keywords:HLA class I    HLA-Cw*0315    PCR-SBT    PCR-SSP
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