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L’évolution des achats alimentaires: 30 ans d’enquêtes auprès des ménages en France
Authors:  ronique Nichè  le  lise Andrieu,Christine Boizot-Szantai,France Caillavet,Nicole Darmon
Affiliation:Inra, Aliss, UR 1303, 65, boulevard de Brandebourg, F-94205, Ivry-sur-Seine, France
Abstract:We describe the evolution of the French food consumption in the last thirty years from representative household data. Such microeconomic data can be found in the French food survey (Insee) and in SECODIP panel data. On 1969-2001, the analysis of these data sources allows to have a picture of French food consumption before the implementation of any nutritional prevention program. We observe decreasing purchases in the majority of food groups. Within this trend, we note decreasing purchases of traditional products and at the same time the development of manufactured products. An increasing share of industrial products can be observed for every food group through substitutions between products. The transformation of the structure of food purchases is discussed along with the evolution of the economic environment, changes in lifestyles and in cultural habits in France.
Keywords:Achats alimentaires   Enquê  tes de mé  nages   É  volution temporelle
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