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引用本文:吴剑斐,郑月红,张杏敏. 耳穴刺激及次髎穴注射在分娩镇痛中的应用[J]. 医学理论与实践, 2003, 16(12): 1392-1393
作者姓名:吴剑斐  郑月红  张杏敏
摘    要:目的:探讨耳穴刺激及次髎穴注射分娩镇痛效果。方法:对63例初产妇足月单胎,头位无头盆不称,无妊娠合并症、并发症者作治疗组取耳穴神门、子宫刺激并用王不留行籽留埋,同时在双侧次髎穴用1%利多卡因1.5mL注射,与同期未加干预自然分娩63例作对照组,比较两组产时镇痛效果,产程时间,分娩方式,失血量及新生儿情况。结果:治疗组镇痛显效占11.11%,有效88.89%,阵痛强度明显低于对照组(P<0.001),第一产程时间短于对照组(P<0.05),失血量少于对照组P<0.001,分娩方式,新生儿Apgar评分无差异。结论:耳穴刺激及次髎穴注射是一种好的分娩镇痛方法,效果可靠、简单易行,对母婴无不良影响,可在基层广泛推广。

关 键 词:耳穴  次髎穴  分娩镇痛

Use of Ear Point Stimulation and Ciliao Injection for Inhibiting Pain in Parturition
WU Jianfei,ZHENG Yuehong,ZHANG Xingnin. Yangzhou Helth Hospital for Women and Children. Use of Ear Point Stimulation and Ciliao Injection for Inhibiting Pain in Parturition[J]. The Journal of Medical Theory and Practice, 2003, 16(12): 1392-1393
Authors:WU Jianfei  ZHENG Yuehong  ZHANG Xingnin. Yangzhou Helth Hospital for Women  Children
Affiliation:WU Jianfei,ZHENG Yuehong,ZHANG Xingnin. Yangzhou Helth Hospital for Women and Children 225002
Abstract:Objective:To explore analgesic effect in parturition of ear point stimulation and Cib'ao injection.Methods:63 cases of u-nipara with term fetus without cephabpelvic disproportion or complication of pregnancy treated with ear point Shenmen and Zigong stimulation , and auricular point sticking with Semen Vaccariae and injected with 1. 5mL 1 % Ciliao injection. Another 63 cases with natrual labor were treated as control group, then compare intrapartum analgesic effects, time of labor,method of delivery, blood loss,neonatal situation between two groups.Results:The total effection rate in inhibiting pain was 88.8% in the treatment group. The treatment group had less severe labor pain than control group( P < 0.001) .shorter labor time( P < 0.05) and blood loss( P < 0.001),but there was no sig-nifcant difference in method of labor and Apgar of newborns. Conclusion: Ear point stimulation and Ciliao injection can be used to relieve pain parturition and produce a reliable effect so the methods can be safely extended to the grass - roots units.
Keywords:Ear point  Ciliao  Inhibiting pain in parturition
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