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Preimplantation diagnosis with HLA typing: birth of the first double hope child in France
Authors:Lamazou F  Steffann J  Frydman N  Burlet P  Gigarel N  Romana S  Bonnefont J-P  Lelorch M  Hesters L  Fanchin R  Kerbrat V  Vekemans M  Munnich A  Frydman R
Affiliation:aService de gynécologie-obstétrique et médecine de la reproduction, hôpital Antoine-Béclère, AP–HP, 157, rue de la Porte-de-Trivaux, 92141 Clamart, France;bInserm, U782, université Paris-Sud, 92140 Clamart, France;cService de génétique, hôpital Necker–Enfants-Malades, AP–HP, 149, rue de Sèvres, 75743 Paris cedex 15, France;dUniversité Paris-Descartes, Paris, France;eUnité Inserm U781, faculté de médecine, Paris, France;fService d’histologie-3 : embryologie cytogénétique, hôpital Antoine-Béclère, AP–HP, 157, rue de la Porte-de-Trivaux, 92141 Clamart, France
Abstract:Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is authorized in France since 1999. After 10 years, technical results are encouraging. With the development of new technologies, our team is able to diagnosis the large majority of chromosome translocations and 75 monogenic diseases. However, PGD remains limited because of the growing augmentation of demands causing an increasing delay for the first procedure of more than 18 months. Since 2006, 19 couples asked for a PGD with HLA typing. In January 2011, 11 couples have already been included in our PGD program. The birth of the first child after PGD with HLA typing offers new perspectives of treatment for these couples.
Keywords:Mots clé  s: DPI   FIV   Maladies gé    tiques   Translocations chromosomiques   Typage HLA
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