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Comparison of inversion recovery asymmetrical spin-echo EPI and gradient-echo EPI for brain motor activation study
Authors:Jie Zheng  James C. Ehrhardt  Ted Cizadlo  William T. C. Yuh
Abstract:An inversion recovery asymmetric spin-echo (IR-ASE) echo-planar imaging (EPI) sequence has been developed for functional studies of the brain. This technique uses an 180° inversion pulse with a long inversion time (TI) to suppress the pulsatile cerebrospinal fluid and an asymmetric spin-echo readout to obtain activation signals from brain capillaries. Because gradient-echo sequences are most sensitive to large vessels, motor cortex activation studies using a gradient-echo technique also were conducted for comparison with the IR-ASE method. The results suggest that the IR-ASE pulse sequence may be a useful complement to the gradient-echo technique for the study of neuronal activity of the human brain.
Keywords:Functional MR  Echo planar imaging  Asymmetric spin echo  Inversion recovery  Microvascular  Motor cortex activation
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