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Microsomal metabolism of the carcinogen, N-2-fluorenylacetamide, by the mammary gland and liver of female rats. I. Ring- and N-hydroxylations of N-2-fluorenylacetamide
Authors:Malejka-Giganti, Danuta   Decker, Richard W.   Ritter, Clare L.   Polovina, Milo R.
Affiliation:1Laboratory for Cancer Research, Veterans Administration Medical Center 54th St and 48th Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55417, USA
2Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
Abstract:We determined ring- and N-hydroxybtions of a systemic mammarygland cardnogen, N-2-fluorenylaeetamide (2-FAA), by microsomalfractions of liver and mammary gland of female rats and theeffects of in vivo and/or in vitro modifiers of these oxidations.Pretreatment of lactating rats with 3-methylcholanthrene (3-MC)or ß-naphthoflavone (ß-NF) and non-lactating(50-day old virgin) rats with ß-NF showed similareffects in that the formation of 3-, 5-, 7-, 9- and N-hydroxy-2-FAAby hepatic microsomes was increased manyfold and the formationof 1-hydroxy-2-FAA was induced. In mammary gland microsomes,the formation of 3-, 5- and 7-hydroxy-2-FAA was likewise increased,but of 9-hydroxy-2-FAA was unaffected. Only mammary microsomesof lactating rats had capacity for N-hydroxylation which wasincreased {small tilde}3 times by pretreatment of rats with3-MC or ß-NF. All of the induced increases of metabolitesof 2-FAA in hepatic and mammary microsomes were inhibited by0.1 mM {alpha}-naphthoflavone ({alpha}-NF) in vitro. Pretreatment of non-lactatingrats with phenobarbital increased only the formation of 7-hydroxy-2-FAAin hepatic microsomes which was further stimulated by {alpha}-NF invitro. The latter also stimulated the formation of 7- and 9-hydroxy-2-FAA by hepatic microsomes of the uninduced rats, buthad no effects in mammary microsomes, in which 9-hydroxy-2-FAAwas a major metabolite. Hence, the data showed qualitative andquantitative differences between lactating and non-lactatingrats in metabolism of 2-FAA by mammary microsomes which mayresult from differences in the levels (e.g., of cytochrome P-450)and activities of microsomal enzymes determined herein. In hepaticmicrosomes of these rats, differences in quantities of metabolitesof 2-FAA (3-, 7-, 9- and N-hydroxy-2-FAA) were found in cornoil-treated rats only. The solvent (methanol or acetone) usedfor addition of 2-FAA to the incubation mixtures altered quantitativelythe metabolite profiles in hepatic and mammary microsomes of3-MC or ß-NF treated rats. The formations of 1- and3- or 5- and 7-hydroxy-2-FAA were greater in the presence ofacetone or methanol, respectively. The results of this studysuggest that the formation of phenolic and N-hydroxy metabolitesof 2-FAA in both hepatic and mammary microsomes of lactatingrats is catalyzed by similar form(s) of cytochrome P-450 inducedby pretreatment with 3-MC or ß-NF. Lack of inductionN-hydroxylation of 2-FAA in mammary microsomes of non-lactatingrats supports our earlier conclusion that the formation of aproximate metabolite in mammary tumorigenesis by 2-FAA is accomplishedin the liver.
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