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Effects of Several Androgens and Steroid Metabolites on Erythropoietin Production in the Isolated Perfused Dog Kidney
Authors:Paulo, Luiz G.   Fink, Gregory D.   Roh, Byung L.   Fisher, James W.
Affiliation:1 Department of Pharmacology, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans,La. 70112.
Abstract:In an attempt to clarify the role of thekidney in the action of several androgensand steroid metabolites on erythropoietin(ESF) production, ESF titers were measured in perfusates of isolated kidneysfrom dogs previously exposed to 4-hrhypoxia and perfused with blood containing testosterone (Test), 5agr-17beta-hydroxyandrostan-3-one (5agrDHT), 5beta-17beta-hydroxyandrostan-3-one (5betaDHT),19-nortestosterone (19-nor), oxymetholone(Oxy), fluoxymesterone (Fluoxy), 3agr-hydroxy-5beta-pregnane, 11,20-dione(3agrOH5betapreg), or 3beta-hydroxy-5beta-pregnane-20-one (3betaOH-5 preg). ESFlevels in the perfusates were assayed inexhypoxic polycythemic mice. Test,5agrDHT, oxy, fluoxy, and 3betaOH5beta-pregwere found to produce a significant increase in ESF levels in the kidney perfusates. 5betaDHT, 19-nor, and 3agrOH5betapregfailed to produce a significant elevation inerythropoietin titers in the perfusates ofthe isolated perfused kidneys. These datasuggest that the 4-5 double bond and thespatial configuration of the hydrogen at the5 position as well as the lack of a methylgroup in the 19 position of the basicandrostan nucleus are important in theability of these steroids to stimulate kidneyproduction of ESF.

Submitted on February 12, 1973 Revised on July 5, 1973 Accepted on July 6, 1973
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