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19  A Novel Approach to Residency Education in EMS: The MD-PM Ambulance
Authors:Angela Fiege
Affiliation:Indiana University
Abstract:Challenge:  Indiana University EM residents have actively provided prehospital care as crew members on a hospital-based air ambulance service. This service functions as a secondary responder for high acuity patients who have already had first tier evaluation and care. First response, ground EMS experiences have been observational only as residents have ridden along with a two-paramedic team on an urban ambulance service for 24 hours during their residency careers. Resident understanding of first response care and challenges faced by initial EMS providers has been limited to that gleaned during their observational period.
Solution:  Most EM residencies do not provide opportunities for residents to function as first response providers. Therefore, we developed a Physician-Paramedic team to provide first response care within a busy metropolitan area. This two-member team operates within a "geozone" that includes a diverse patient population with both medical and trauma complaints. Unlike other residency ground EMS programs, the MD-PM truck responds primarily to all ambulance requests within their designated geozone and assists outside their designated geozone for multi-patient casualties in which a physician response would benefit patient care (fires, motor vehicle accidents, multiple gunshot victims). Residents on the MD-PM truck not only provide care equivalent to that expected of a nationally certified paramedic (IVs, drug administration, splinting, packaging), but also perform advanced skills such as RSI which is outside the scope of a traditional two-paramedic team. Immersion into the first response ground EMS system will provide valuable insight into the challenges of providing care outside of the hospital.
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