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引用本文:蓝阳,胡晓阳. 耳穴压豆联合元胡止痛滴丸治疗混合痔术后疼痛的临床疗效[J]. 实用中西医结合临床, 2021, 21(2): 129-130
作者姓名:蓝阳  胡晓阳
基金项目:2018年江西省卫生计生委中医药科研课题 (2018B036)
摘    要:混合痔是指发生在肛管齿线附近的柔软的静脉团,临床表现为便血、疼痛、肿胀、肛门不适、瘙痒[1]。手术是治疗痔疮的有效方式,但因肛周神经丰富,手术引起神经的损伤、肛门异物的刺激、患者紧张心理、术后的水肿或创面的感染等都会引起疼痛[2],目前缓解混合痔术后疼痛的主要方式有中药外用熏洗或止痛药物塞肛及止痛药物口服[3]。布洛芬缓释胶囊是临床常用且有效的止痛药物,但存在不良反应如胃肠道不适及皮疹等,而耳穴压豆用于刺激耳廓上的特定穴位以调节经络气血达到缓解疼痛的效果,是一种传统的镇痛方法[4];元胡止痛滴丸是中药复方制剂,具有调节气血,促进血液的流通,缓解疼痛的作用,现已被列为纯中药止痛药物[5]。耳穴压豆和元胡止痛滴丸两者副作用均较小,易为患者接受,广泛运用在临床各类的疼痛。

关 键 词:元胡止痛滴丸;混合痔术后疼痛;耳穴压豆;术后水肿

Clinical effect of auricular point pressing beans combined with Yuanhu Zhitong dripping pills on postoperative pain of mixed hemorrhoids
Abstract:Mixed hemorrhoids are soft venous clusters that occur near the tooth line of the anal canal. The clinical manifestations are blood in the stool, pain, swelling, anal discomfort, and itching [1]. Surgery is an effective way to treat hemorrhoids, but due to the abundant perianal nerves, nerve damage caused by surgery, stimulation of foreign bodies in the anus, patient tension, postoperative edema or wound infection, etc. can cause pain [2], currently alleviating mixed hemorrhoids The main ways of postoperative pain are external fumigation and washing with Chinese medicine, anal plugging with analgesic drugs and oral analgesic drugs [3]. Ibuprofen sustained-release capsules are commonly used clinically and effective analgesic drugs, but there are adverse reactions such as gastrointestinal discomfort and skin rashes. Auricular acupoint pressing beans are used to stimulate specific acupoints on the auricle to regulate meridian qi and blood to relieve pain. The effect is a traditional analgesic method [4]; Yuanhu Zhitong Dropping Pill is a compound preparation of Chinese medicine, which has the functions of regulating qi and blood, promoting blood circulation, and relieving pain. It has been classified as a pure Chinese medicine analgesic drug [5] ]. Both ear-point pressing beans and Yuanhu Zhitong dripping pills have less side effects and are easily accepted by patients. They are widely used in various clinical pains.
Keywords:Yuanhu Zhitong Dropping Pills   Postoperative pain of mixed hemorrhoids   Auricular point pressing   Postoperative edema
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