摘 要: | Human intestinal capillariasis is a rare parasitosis that wasfirst recognized in the Philippines in the 1960 s.Parasitosisis a life threatening disease and has been reported fromThailand,Japan,South of Taiwan (Kaoh-Siung),Korea,Iran,Egypt,Italy and Spain.Its clinical symptoms arecharacterized by chronic diarrhea,abdominal pain,borborygmus,marked weight loss,protein and electrolyteloss and cachexia.Capillariasis may be fatal if earlytreatment is not given.We reported 14 cases living in ruralareas of Taiwan.Three cases had histories of travelling toThailand.They might have been infected in Thailand whilestayed there.Two cases had the diet of raw freshwaterfish before.Three cases received emergency laparotomydue to peritonitis and two cases were found of enteritiscystica profunda.According to the route of transmission,freshwater and brackish-water fish may act as theintermediate host of the parasite.The most simple andconvenient method of diagnosing capillariasis is stoolexamination.Two cases were diagnosed by histology.Mebendazole or albendezole 200 mg orally twice a day for20-30 d is the treatment of choice.All the patients werecured,and relapses were not observed within 12 mo.