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The effect of periodic monitoring and feedback on screening colonoscopy withdrawal times, polyp detection rates, and patient satisfaction scores
Authors:Otto S. Lin MD  MSc  Richard A. Kozarek MD  Andrew Arai BS  Michael Gluck MD  Geoffrey C. Jiranek MD  Kris V. Kowdley MD  Susan E. McCormick MD  Drew B. Schembre MD  Maw-Soan Soon MD  Jason A. Dominitz MD  MHS
Affiliation:Current affiliations: Gastroenterology Section (O.S.L., R.A.K., A.A., M.G., G.C.J., K.V.K., S.E.M., D.B.S.), Virginia Mason Medical Center, Seattle, Gastroenterology Division (O.S.L., M.-S.S.), Changhua Christian Hospital, Changhua City, Taiwan, Gastroenterology Division (O.S.L., R.A.K., K.V.K., D.B.S., J.A.D.), University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Keywords:Abbreviations: ESS, endoscopist satisfaction score   OSS, overall satisfaction score
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