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Exponential processes in human auditory excitation and adaptation
Authors:Formby C  Rutledge J C  Sherlock L P
Affiliation:Division of Otolaryngology-HNS, Department of Surgery, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Frenkil Building, 16 South Eutaw Street, Suite 500, Baltimore 21201, USA. cformby@smail.umaryland.edu
Abstract:Peripheral auditory adaptation has been studied extensively in animal models, and multiple exponential components have been identified. This study explores the feasibility of estimating these component processes for human listeners with a peripheral model of adaptation. The processes were estimated from off-frequency masked detection data that probed temporal masking responses to a gated narrowband masker. The resulting response patterns reflected step-like onset and offset features with characteristically little evidence of confounding backward and forward masking. The model was implemented with linear combinations of exponential functions to represent the unadapted excitation response to gating the masker on and then off and the opposing effects of adaptation in each instance. The onset and offset of the temporal masking response were assumed to be approximately inverse operations and were modeled independently in this scheme. The unadapted excitation response at masker onset and the reversed excitation response at masker offset were each represented in the model by a single exponential function. The adaptation processes were modeled by three independent exponential functions, which were reversed at masker offset. Each adaptation component was subtractive and partially negated the unadapted excitation response to the dynamic masker. This scheme allowed for quantification of the response amplitude, action latency, and time constant for the unadapted excitation component and for each adaptation component. The results reveal that (1) the amplitudes of the unadapted excitation and reversed excitation components grow nonlinearly with masker level and mirror the 'compressive' input-output velocity response of the basilar membrane; (2) the time constants for the unadapted excitation and reversed excitation components are related inversely to masker intensity, which is compatible with neural synchrony increasing at masker onset (or offset) with increasing masker strength; (3) the composite strength of adaptation levels off at high masker levels; this 'saturation' response is consistent with a diminished contribution from peripheral neural adaptation processes at high sound levels; and (4) the response dynamics for two of the adaptation components correspond generally to those for the 'very rapid'/'rapid' processes and 'short-term' processes described in animal studies of peripheral neural adaptation. The action latency of a third adaptation component suggests the role of a second-order peripheral or central process. This modeling exercise (1) indicates that multiple adaptation processes, whatever their origins, contribute substantively to the form of the temporal masking response and (2) supports a sum-of-exponentials scheme for estimating properties of the component processes.
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