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Semantic processing of neglected numbers
Authors:Sackur Jérôme  Naccache Lionel  Pradat-Diehl Pascale  Azouvi Philippe  Mazevet Dominique  Katz Rose  Cohen Laurent  Dehaene Stanislas
Affiliation:INSERM U562, CEA/DSV, IFR 49, Orsay, France; Department of Philosophy, Université Nanterre-Paris X, Nanterre, France. jerome.sackur@gmail.com
Abstract:While neglected stimuli can still be processed, few studies have directly addressed the issue of the unconscious access to semantics. In order to clarify this issue, we engaged four patients with unilateral left spatial neglect in a number comparison task. Each target number was preceded by a lateralized number prime, either in the intact or neglected hemifield (HF). Both group analyses and the intensive study of a single patient show that left (neglected) as well as right (consciously perceived) number primes affect performance: primes representing quantities that fall on the same side of the reference as the target lead to faster categorization. This congruency effect is highly suggestive of numerical semantic processing of neglected stimuli. Absence of conscious perception of neglected primes was evaluated using a combination of subjective and objective measures of performance in forced-choice tasks.
Keywords:Left hemineglect   Unconscious semantics   Number comparison
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