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Immunity in lamprey III. Occurrence of the complement-like activity
Authors:Tamotsu Fujii  Shinjuro Murakawa  
Affiliation:1. Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 060, Japan;2. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Niigata University, Niigata, 950-21, Japan
Abstract:The serum of Arctic lampreys (Lampetra japonica) lyses rabbit erythrocytes (ER), with optimal activity at 4°C. This lytic activity is relatively heat stable, is inactivated after incubation with zymosan (5 mg/ml) for 1 hr at 15°C, and is controlled by Mg++ dependent factors present in normal lamprey serum. Hemolysis of sheep erythrocytes (ES) was obtained with lamprey hemolysin using bullfrog serum as complement (C). The optimal conditions were established for sensitizing ES with lamprey hemolysin to fix bullfrog C. Under the same conditions hemolysis was not induced with zymosan-treated bullfrog C and lamprey serum. These findings suggest that lamprey serum possesses components that function via the alternate pathway, instead of the classical pathway usually found in more advanced vertebrates.
Keywords:Communications should be addressed to Tamotsu Fujii   Zoological Institute   Faculty of Science   Hokkaido University   Sapporo   060   Japan.
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