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Proliferation of exogenously injected primordial germcells (PGCs) into busulfan-treated chicken embryos
引用本文:Furuta H,Fujihara N. Proliferation of exogenously injected primordial germcells (PGCs) into busulfan-treated chicken embryos[J]. Asian journal of andrology, 1999, 1(4): 187-190
作者姓名:Furuta H  Fujihara N
摘    要:Aim: This study was designed to investigate the effect of busulfan treatment on the proliferation of chicken primordialgerm cells (Fgcs) in vivo, focusing on the preferential settlement of PGCs onto the germinal ridges of chicken em-bryos. Methods: Bustdfan (250 rig/egg) was injected into the egg white of freshly oviposited fertilized eggs, whichwere then incubated. Embryonic developnent and viability were examined, and exogenous PGCs collected from embry-onic blood vessels were injected into the germinal crescent region of recipient enthryos. The nttmber of PGCs residedonto germinal ridges of the right and left sides were compared. Results: Bustdfan had a slight harmful effect on theembryo viabihty and the PGCs proliferation. The number of PGCs resided onto the left side of germinal ridges wasslightly higher as compared with the right side. Conclusion: Busulfan suppressed the viability of embryos and the pro-liferation of endogenous PGCs in the recipient embryos. However, the number of exogenous PGCs proliferated washigher in embryos treated with busnlfan than those without busulfan. Data also suggest the possibihty of a preferentialresidence of PCCs toward the left side of the germinal crescent region as compared with the right, which may be due toa more advanced functional development of the left gonad than the right. (Asian JAndro11999 Dec; 1 : 187 - 190)

关 键 词:鸡 晶胚 卵细胞 外部注射 增殖功能 白消安

Proliferation of exogenously injected primordial germ cells (PGCs) into busulfan-treated chicken embryos
Furuta H,Fujihara N. Proliferation of exogenously injected primordial germ cells (PGCs) into busulfan-treated chicken embryos[J]. Asian journal of andrology, 1999, 1(4): 187-190
Authors:Furuta H  Fujihara N
Affiliation:Division of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Graduate School Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.
Abstract:Aim: This study was designed to investigate the effect of busulfan treatment on the proliferation of chicken primordialgerm cells (PGCs) in vivo, focusing on the preferential settlement of PGCs onto the germinal ridges of chicken em-bryos. Methods: Busulfan (250 ng/egg) was injected into the egg white of freshly oviposited fertilized eggs, whichwere then incubated. Embryonic development and viability were examined, and exogenous PGCs collected from embry-onic blood vessels were injected into the germinal crescent region of recipient embryos. The number of PGCs residedonto germinal ridges of the right and left sides were compared. Results: Busulfan had a slight harmful effect on theembryo viability and the PGCs proliferation. The number of PGCs resided onto the left side of germinal ridges wasslightly higher as compared with the right side. Conclusion: Busulfan suppressed the viability of embryos and the pro-liferation of endogenous PGCs in the recipient embryos. However, the number of exogenous PGCs proliferated washigher in embryos treated with busulfan than those without busulfan. Data also suggest the possibility of a preferentialresidence of PGCs toward the left side of the germinal crescent region as compared with the fight, which may be due toa more advanced functional development of the left gonad than the right. (Asian J Androl 1999 Dec; 1: 187-190)
Keywords:chick embryo  germ cells  proliferation  busulfan
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