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引用本文:王焱,冯广东,王晶,陈浩,张倩,武新英,薛昌敖,方方,孙建方. Schimmelpenning综合征一例[J]. 国际皮肤性病学杂志, 2016, 0(3): 141-144. DOI: 10.3760/cma.j.issn.1673-4173.2016.03.004
作者姓名:王焱  冯广东  王晶  陈浩  张倩  武新英  薛昌敖  方方  孙建方
作者单位:1. 中国医学科学院北京协和医学院皮肤病医院江苏省皮肤病与性病分子生物学重点实验室皮肤外科,南京,210042;2. 南京医科大学附属南京第一医院眼科;3. 中国医学科学院北京协和医学院皮肤病医院病理科,南京,210042;4. 南京医科大学附属南京第一医院放射科;5. 南京医科大学附属南京第一医院口腔颌面外科
基金项目:江苏省临床医学科技专项(BL2012003),江苏省皮肤病与性病分子生物学重点实验室培育课题(2012ZD011)Jiangsu Provincial Special Program of Medical Science(BL2012003),Foundation of Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology for Skin Diseases and STIs(2012ZD011)
摘    要:患者女,17岁,右侧头面颈部泛发性褐色疣状增殖性皮损17年.右眼下睑泪囊区触及一质硬囊性肿物,右下泪小点缺如.眼眶核磁平扫:右眼泪囊区可见一类圆形肿物,压及筛窦及眼外肌.头面部皮损组织病理示:表皮角化过度,棘层增生肥厚,表皮乳头瘤样增生,真皮内可见大量成熟及不成熟的皮脂腺结构,部分见异位的大汗腺,诊断为皮脂腺痣.口腔右侧黏膜,包括右侧上腭及右半舌部见疣状赘生物;口腔全景片示右侧上下颌骨及牙槽骨发育欠佳.此外,双上肢可见大面积咖啡色斑片及褐色斑点.患者智力中等,既往有惊厥史.诊断:Schimmelpenning综合征.经皮肤外科手术后去除部分皮损.

关 键 词:痣,Jadassohn皮脂腺性  皮脂腺疾病  斜视  外科手术  少见病

Schimmelpenning syndrome: a case report
Abstract:A 17-year-old female patient presented with generalized brown verrucous proliferative skin lesions on the right side of the head,face and neck for 17 years.Ophthalmoscopy showed a hard cystic mass in the right lacrimal sac area with absence of right lower lacrimal punctum.Magnetic resonance imaging of the orbit revealed a quasi-circular mass compressing the ethmoid sinus and extraocular muscles in the right lacrimal sac area.Histopathological examination of skin lesions of the head and face revealed epidermal hyperkeratosis,acanthosis,papillomatous hyperplasia in the epidermis,numerous mature or immature sebaceous glands in the dermis,and ectopic apocrine sweat glands in some areas.A pathological diagnosis of naevus sebaceous was made.Verrucous vegetation was observed in the oral mucosa including the right side of the palate and tongue,and orthopanotomography showed poor development of the right side of upper and lower jaw bones as well as alveolar bones.Moreover,there were large areas of coffee-colored patches and brown spots on both upper extremities.The patient had average intelligence and a history of convulsion.She was diagnosed with Schimmelpenning syndrome.Lesions were partially removed by surgical excision.
Keywords:Nevus,sebaceous of Jadassohn  Sebaceous gland diseases  Strabismus  Surgical procedures,operative  Rare diseases
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