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A Hereditary Alteration in Kidneys of Mice with Chediak-Higashi Syndrome
Authors:Edward Essner and Constance Oliver
Abstract:The beige mouse is considered to be a homologue of Chediak-Higashi syndrome (CHS). Cytochemical and electron microscopic studies have revealed an inherited lesion in the kidneys of these mice. The alteration was confined to the distal segments (S3) of the proximal tubules and was characterized by the accumulation of numerous massive polysaccharide-rich granules. These granules were reactive for acid phosphatase and β-glucuronidase activities and were therefore considered to be lysosomes. Small numbers of lymphocytes were also observed in the perivascular spaces and within the tubules of the S3 segment. The fine structure of S3 cells was also markedly altered. In addition to the massive lysosomes, dense material was found associated with the brush border and was present in pinocytotic vesicles at the base of the brush border and between basal invaginations of the plasma membranes. Despite these changes, reabsorption of exogeneous peroxidase by S3 cells appeared to be normal. The presence of a congenital defect in the kidney of the beige mouse appears to provide a useful model for studying the morphology and function of the S3 region of the nephron.
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