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Genetic mapping of genes regulating the thymus size in back-cross rats between the laboratory BUF/Mna strain and the MITE strain derived from the wild rat, Rattus norvegicus
Authors:Nidhi Sharma  Atsushi Ohyabu  Yoshiki Murakumo  Masahide Takahashl  Mitsuhiro Saito  Hiroyuki Amo  Shin-ichiro Murayama  Kyoko Ohno  Sen-ichi Oda  Mutsushi Matsuyama
Institution:Department of Pathology, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Nagoay, Japan;Departmeni of Internal Medicine, Branch Hospital, Nagoya University School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan;Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Nagoya University, Japan;Laboratory of Animal Management, School of Agricultural Sciences, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan;Aichi Women's College, Nisshin, Aichi, Japan;Departmeni of Pathology, Fujita Health University School of Medicine, Toyoake, Japan
Abstract:The thymoma prone BUF/Mna (B) rat is a useful model for Studying the genes responsible for thymus enlargement during the stage of young growth. Among the strains of rats, B rats have the largest thymuses at al stages of life. A locus, Ten-1 , which contributes to thymus enlargement in back-cross (BC) rats between the B and WKY/NCrj (W) strains, was mapped on chromosome 1. To determine the precise location of the bus, (B×(B×MITE)F1) BC rats were generated by crossing the B strain with the Inbred MITE (M) strain, which was established from captured, Japanese wild rats, and were examined by linkage study using polymerase chain reaction with 67 microsatellite markers. Linkages with thymus enlargements were found In genotypes of seven markers, BSIS, LSN, MYL2, IGF2, PBPC2, D1Mgh11 , and D1Mit6 , by X2-test and Student's t -test, which confirmed the presence of the genetic locus associated with thymus enlargement, Ten-1 , in this region. Paradoxically, a suppressive locus, Tsu-1 , to thymus enlargement was also found on chromosome 3, showing linkages of phenotype of the small thymus with genotypes of SCN2A, CAT D3Mit16 , and D3Mit13 . By analyses of mapmaker/exp and mapmaker/qtl, Ten-1 was mapped at 4.6 cM proximal from IGF2 locus on chromosome 1 and Tsu-1 at 4.0 cM proximal from CAT locus on chromosome 3, respectively.
Keywords:BUF/Mna rats  thymoma susceptible gene  Tsr-1  thymus enlargement gene  Ten-1  thymus suppressive gene  Tsu-1  wild rat MITE strain
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