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Emigration of selected subsets of {gamma}{delta}+ T cells from the adult murine thymus
Authors:Kelly  Katherine A; Pearse  Martin; Lefrancois  Leo; Scollay  Roland
Institution:1 The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Royal Parade Melbourne 3050, Australia
2 Department of Clinical Immunology, St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne 3065, Australia
3 Department of Cell Biology, The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo MI 39001, USA
4Present address: Department of Medicine, National Jewish Center for Immunology and Respiratory Medicine 1400 Jackson Street, Denver, CO 80206, USA
5Present address: Department of Medicine, Division of Rheumatology, University of Connecticut Farmington, CT 06030, USA
Abstract:Cells bearing the {gamma}{delta} form of the TCR make up only 1–3% ofT cells in the adult murine thymus and peripheral lymphold organs.Evidence from studies of nude mice suggests that the developmentof at least some {gamma}{delta} T cells is thymus dependent; however, untilnow it has not been directly demonstrated that {gamma}{delta} cells are exportedfrom the thymus. In this paper we have used the technique oflabelling thymocytes in vivo with FITC, followed by flow cytometrlcanalysis to trace cells emigrating from the thymus to the spleen.Using this approach we have been able to demonstrate for thefirst time that {gamma}{delta} T cells are exported from the adult murinethymus to the spleen. We also demonstrate that the cells emigratingto the spleen are a selected subset of {gamma}{delta} thymocytes being heatstable antigen positive, Thy-1+, and expressing low levels ofCD44 (Pgp-1). In addition, investigation of TCR V{gamma}; gene usageamong adult {gamma}{delta}+ thymocytes, recent emigrants, and spleen cells,indicated a selective emigration of {gamma}{delta} cells expressing certainV{gamma}genes.
Keywords:{gamma}gif" ALT="{gamma}" BORDER="0">{delta} T cells" target="_blank">gif" ALT="{delta}" BORDER="0"> T cells  heat stable antigen  spleen  thymus  T cell production
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