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引用本文:王晶晶,郭彦君项云. 持续运动锻炼对绝经后女性骨密度影响的追踪研究[J]. 中国骨质疏松杂志, 2020, 0(10): 1456-1,461
作者姓名:王晶晶  郭彦君项云
作者单位:1. 上海体育科学研究所,上海 2000302. 上海体育学院,上海 20043
摘    要:目的比较不同运动锻炼参与程度的绝经后女性骨密度差异及在12个月间的变化。方法对82名符合条件的社区绝经后女性骨密度进行12个月追踪。研究对象分为锻炼量达标组(n=42)和不达标组(n=40),不达标组进一步分为不锻炼和偶尔锻炼亚组。采用定量超声(QUS)法采集跟骨骨密度T值、Z值、超声传导声速(SOS)、超声宽带衰减(BUA),统计各组骨质疏松不同发生风险等级的人数比,测量时间点为基线、6个月和12个月。结果达标组骨密度各指标水平和骨质疏松高度风险人数比(16.7%)在12个月间基本维持稳定(P0.05);不达标组T值(F=11.877,P=0.000)、Z值(F=7.459,P=0.002)、BUA值(F=4.207,P=0.026)在12个月间均出现显著下降,骨质疏松高度风险人数比由20.0%上升至30.0%。达标组与不达标组T值变化具有明显的组间效应(F=4.268,P=0.042)和时间效应(F=6.378,P=0.004)。偶尔锻炼亚组骨密度各指标水平在12个月间下降幅度低于不锻炼亚组。结论不同运动锻炼参与水平可不同程度地维持绝经后女性骨密度水平或延缓其增龄性流失。持续规律的运动锻炼对绝经后女性骨密度水平具有积极的改善作用。

关 键 词:骨密度  绝经后女性  运动锻炼

A follow-up study on the effect of continuous exercise on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women
WANG Jingjing,GUO Yanjun,XIANG Yun. A follow-up study on the effect of continuous exercise on bone mineral density in postmenopausal women[J]. Chinese Journal of Osteoporosis, 2020, 0(10): 1456-1,461
Authors:WANG Jingjing  GUO Yanjun  XIANG Yun
Affiliation:1. Shanghai Institute of Sports Science, Shanghai 200030, China2. Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, Shanghai 200438, China
Abstract:Objective To compare the differences of bone mineral density (BMD) among postmenopausal women in different levels of exercise participation, and their BMD changes during 12 months. Methods 82 eligible community-dwelling postmenopausal women were recruited as the participants in this follow-up study. The participates were divided into two groups: exercise-standard Group (ESG, n=42) and non-standard exercise Group (NSG, n=40). The NSG group was then furtherly divided into non-exercise group (NOG) and occasional exercise group (OEG). Changes in BMD parameters include T-score, Z-score, Speed of Sound (SOS), and Broadband Ultrasound Attenuation (BUA) were monitored using a heel quantitative ultrasound (QUS) device. Meanwhile, the percentage at different risk levels of having osteoporosis in each group was calculated. Variables were measured at baseline, at 6-month and at 12-month follow-up. Results BMD parameters in the ESG group remained stable during 12 months (P>0.05). The percentage of having high risk of osteoporosis in ESG group was 16.7%, and remained unchanged. In the NSG group, the value of T-score (F=11.877, P=0.000), Z-score (F=7.459, P=0.002) and BUA (F=4.207, P=0.026) decreased significantly during 12 months. The percentage of having high risk of osteoporosis in NSG group increased from 20.0% to 30.0%. Changes of T-score revealed a significant main effect of group (F=4.268, P=0.042) and time (F=6.378, P=0.004). The values of BMD parameters in NEG group declined faster during 12 months than the OEG group. Conclusion Different levels of exercise participation can maintain the bone mineral density level of postmenopausal women or delay their aging loss.Constant and regular physical exercise can improve the condition of BMD among postmenopausal women.
Keywords:bone mineral density   postmenopausal women   exercise
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