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引用本文:陈晶琦,马玉霞,易英,王粉燕,王莹,籍红,张琳,斯颀. 学校教师讲授预防艾滋病知识与大学新生知识态度及行为的关联[J]. 中国校医, 2007, 21(2): 123-126
作者姓名:陈晶琦  马玉霞  易英  王粉燕  王莹  籍红  张琳  斯颀
作者单位:1. 北京大学儿童青少年卫生研究所,北京,100083
2. 内蒙古包头市青山区卫生防疫站
3. 北京大学医学部医院
摘    要:目的通过对某大学新生在学校期间教师对其进行预防艾滋病教育的回顾性调查,了解学校预防艾滋病教育状况,探讨学校教育与学生知识态度和行为的关联。方法以不记名问卷调查方式,对北京某大学746名入学新生进行调查。结果80%左右的大学新生报告学校教师曾讲过艾滋病的传播途径(84.0%),不传播艾滋病的活动(74.3%)和不歧视艾滋病病人(80.8%)。约10%的学生报告学校教师曾讲过如何抵御不正当的同伴压力(10.6%)、作出正确决定的技能(10.8%)、预防性侵犯知识(12.0%)和性病知识(11.0%)。只有4.7%的学生报告教师讲过正确使用避孕套。学生预防艾滋病知识和态度得分与学校教师教育有关。报告教师讲过正确使用避孕套与报告没讲过这一知识的学生,性交行为发生率没有明显的差异。85.8%的学生表示希望学习有关预防艾滋病、性病方面的知识。结论学校教师讲授预防艾滋病知识内容不够全面。应重视学校教师预防艾滋病教育的培训,确保学生从学校获得预防艾滋病所需要的知识和技能。

关 键 词:获得性免疫缺陷综合征  知识  态度  性行为  卫生教育

HIV/AIDS prevention education by schoolteachers and its impact on knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of entrants in a university
CHEN Jing-qi, MA Yu-xia, YI Ying, et al. HIV/AIDS prevention education by schoolteachers and its impact on knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of entrants in a university[J]. Chinese Journal of School Doctor, 2007, 21(2): 123-126
Authors:CHEN Jing-qi   MA Yu-xia   YI Ying   et al
Affiliation:Institute of Child and Adolescent Health, Health Science Centre, Peking University, Beijing 100083, China
Abstract:Objective To understand the situation of AIDS prevention education by schoolteachers and to explore the education impacts on knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of entrants in universities. Methods Seven hundred and forty-six entrants in a university in Beijing were surveyed by self-administered questionnaire anonymously. Results About 80% of the students reported that schoolteachers had taught them the way of H IV/AIDS transmission (84.0%), daily activities that HIV/AIDS could not be transmitted (74.3%),and taught them they should not discriminate people with HIV/AIDS (80.8%). About 10% of the students reported that schoolteachers had taught them how to resist peer pressure (10.6 %), making decision skills (10.8%), sexual abuse prevention (12.0%) and STDs knowledge (11.0%). Only 4.7% of the students reported that schoolteachers had taught them about condom knowledge. HIV/AIDS prevention knowledge and attitudes of students were correlated with school teachers' education. Regarding the percentages of sexual intercourse behavior, there was no statistically significant difference between the students whose teachers had taught them about condom knowledge and the students whose teachers had not. Eighty-five point nine percent of students expressed that they hope to learn HIV/AIDS prevention knowledge. Conclusions The contents of HIV/AIDS prevention education by schoolteachers are not comprehensive. We should improve the training of school health education teachers to ensure that students get the knowledge and skills for HIV/AIDS prevention.
Keywords:Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome  Knowledge  Attitude  Sexual Behavior  Health Education
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