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Dual action of retinoic acid on human embryonic/fetal hematopoiesis: blockade of primitive progenitor proliferation and shift from multipotent/erythroid/monocytic to granulocytic differentiation program
Authors:Tocci, A   Parolini, I   Gabbianelli, M   Testa, U   Luchetti, L   Samoggia, P   Masella, B   Russo, G   Valtieri, M   Peschle, C
Abstract:In preliminary studies, we have analyzed the hematopoietic growth factor (HGF) requirement of hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPCs) purified from embryonic-fetal liver (FL) and grown in fetal calf serum- supplemented (FCS+) clonogenic culture. The key role of erythropoietin (Epo) for colony formation by early erythroid progenitors (burst- forming units-erythroid [BFU-E]) has been confirmed. Furthermore, in the absence of exogenous HGFs, FL monocytic progenitors (colony-forming unit monocyte [CFU-M]) generate large colonies exclusively composed of monocytes-macrophages; these colonies are absent in FCS- clonogenic culture. On this basis, we have investigated the role of all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and its isomer 9-cis RA in FL hematopoiesis. Both compounds modulate the growth of purified FL HPCs, which show a dose- dependent shift from mixed/erythroid/ monocytic to granulocytic colony formation. Studies on unicellular and paired daughter cell culture unequivocally indicate that the shift is mediated by modulation of the HPC differentiation program to the granulopoietic pathway (rather than RA-induced down-modulation of multipotent/ erythroid/monocytic HPC growth coupled with recruitment of granulocytic HPCs). ATRA and 9-cis RA also exert their effect on the proliferation of primitive HPCs (high- proliferative potential colony-forming cells [HPP-CFCs]) and putative hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs; assayed in Dexter-type long-term culture). High concentrations of either compound (1) drastically reduced the number of primary HPP-CFC colonies and totally abolished their recloning capacity and (2) inhibited HSC proliferation. It is crucial that these results mirror recent observations indicating that murine adult HPCs transduced with dominant negative ATRA receptor (RAR) gene are immortalized and show a selective blockade of granulocytic differentiation. Altogether, these results suggest that ATRA/9-cis RA may play a key role in FL hematopoiesis via a dual effect hypothetically mediated by interaction with the RAR/RXR heterodimer, ie, inhibition of HSC/ primitive HPC proliferation and induction of CFU- GEMM/ BFU-E/CFU-M shift from the multipotent/erythroid/monocytic to the granulocytic-neutrophilic differentiation program.
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