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Spécificités de la pratique du rugby chez l'enfant
Authors:M Binder
Institution:Centre médicochirurgical (CMC) Paris-V, clinique du sport, 36, boulevard Saint-Marcel, 75005 Paris, France
Abstract:The knowledge of the specificity of the child compared to the adult and his reactions regarding the exercise will make it possible to answer parents questions as well as possible and to accompany the child and the teenager in their sporting practice. Five essential concepts govern the practice of Rugby in the child: 1) the child is not an adult in miniature. It is an organization in constant evolution towards its physical and psychic statute of adult. He has a free will depending on the others; 2) Rugby must remain for him a ludic space, where the motivation must be the first condition; 3) the child is a mosaic of growth cartilages. Traumatic pathology is preferentially a pathology of this structure in the acute traumatisms (epiphysium separation rather than distorsion, muscular apophyse avulsion rather than tear) and under the effect of chronic microtraumatisms (osteochondrosis rather than tendinitis); 4) overtraining will result in a disturbance of one of the factors of the general balance of the organization which it acts of a pain, of against performance, an abnormal tiredness, of a demotivation, a relational disorder (mood, affectivity), of lower school output of which it will be necessary to establish a relationship to the sporting practice; 5) the execution of a sporting gesture must always be modulated as of the appearance of a pain, true alarm.
Keywords:Enfant  Rugby    collement é  piphysaire  Cartilages de croissance  Osté  ochondrose
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