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Dietary restriction attenuates the neuronal loss, induction of heme oxygenase-1 and blood–brain barrier breakdown induced by impaired oxidative metabolism
Authors:Noel Y. Calingasan  Gary E. Gibson  
Abstract:Experimental thiamine deficiency (TD) is a model of impaired oxidative metabolism associated with region-selective neuronal loss in the brain. Oxidative stress is a prominent feature of TD neuropathology, as evidenced by the accumulation of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), ferritin, reactive iron and superoxide dismutase in microglia, nitrotyrosine and 4-hydroxynonenal in neurons, as well as induction of endothelial nitric oxide synthase within the vulnerable areas. Dietary restriction (DR) reduces oxidative stress in several organ systems including the brain. DR increases lifespan and reduces neurodegeneration in a variety of models of neuronal injury. The possibility that DR can protect vulnerable neurons against TD-induced oxidative insults has not been tested. The current studies tested whether approximately 3 months of DR (60% of ad libitum intake) altered the response to TD. Six month-old ad libitum-fed or dietary restricted C57BL/6 mice received a thiamine-deficient diet either ad libitum, or under a DR regimen respectively for eleven days. The TD mice also received daily injections of the thiamine antagonist pyrithiamine. Control ad libitum-fed or DR mice received an unlimited amount, or 60% of ad libitum intake, respectively, of thiamine-supplemented diet. As in past studies, TD produced region-selective neuronal loss (−60%), HO-1 induction, and IgG extravasation in the thalamus of ad libitum-fed mice. DR attenuated the TD-induced neuronal loss (−30%), HO-1 induction and IgG extravasation in the thalamus. These studies suggest that oxidative damage is critical to the pathogenesis of TD, and that DR modulates the extent of free radical damage in the brain. Thus, TD is an important model for studying the relationship between aging, oxidative stress and nutrition.
Keywords:Dietary restriction   Heme oxygenase-1   Neurodegeneration   Oxidative stress   Thiamine
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