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Retention of glycoprotein Ib/IX receptors on external surfaces of thrombin-activated platelets in suspension
Authors:White, JG   Krumwiede, MD   Cocking-Johnson, D   Rao, GH   Escolar, G
Abstract:The present study has evaluated the hypothesis stating that glycoprotein (GP) Ib/IX, the receptor for von Willebrand factor (vWF), is downregulated and cleared from exposed surfaces to channels of the open canalicular system (OCS) on platelets activated by thrombin in suspension. Cryosections of resting and thrombin-activated platelets fixed at intervals of 1 to 30 minutes after stimulation by thrombin and stained with antiglycocalicin antibody and protein A gold showed no decrease in the density of GPIb/IX receptors on the platelet surface or increase on linings of the OCS at any interval after stimulation by thrombin. Thin sections of platelets exposed to thrombin in suspension followed by settling onto a plastic chamber for intervals of 1 to 30 minutes revealed retention of GPIb/IX receptors on exposed surfaces detected by vWF, anti-vWF, and protein A gold throughout the 30-minute period of study. Results of this investigation indicate that GPIb/IX receptors remain on the surface of platelets activated by thrombin in suspension, are not cleared to the OCS, and retain the ability to bind vWF for at least 30 minutes.
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