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Deciphering the genetic and epigenetic landscape of pediatric bithalamic tumors
Authors:Arnault Tauziè  de‐  Espariat,Marie‐  Anne Debily,David Castel,Jacques Grill,Sté  phanie Puget,Alexandre Roux,Raphaë  l Saffroy,Guillaume Gauchotte,Ellen Wahler,Lauren Hasty,Fabrice Chré  tien,Emmanuè  le Lechapt,Volodia Dangouloff‐  Ros,Nathalie Boddaert,Philipp Sievers,Pascale Varlet
Abstract:Pediatric bithalamic gliomas encompass several histomolecular tumoral types from benign to malignant and underlines the central role of a comprehensive neuropathological review, including immunohistochemistry, genetic, and epigenetic analyses, to achieve an accurate diagnosis.
Keywords:bithalamic   landscape   pediatric.
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