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Test de provocation par voie orale aux aliments chez l'enfant. Quand,pour qui et comment ? Interprétation
Authors:J.-L. Fauquert,A. Deschildre,D. Sabouraud,F. Rancé  
Affiliation:1. Unité d''allergologie de l''enfant, hôtel Dieu, CHRU, 63058 Clermont-Ferrand cedex 01, France;2. Allergologie et pneumologie pédiatriques, clinique de pédiatrie, hôpital Jeanne-de-Flandre, CHRU de Lille, France;3. Service de pédiatrie, hôpital américain, 47, rue Cognacq-Jay, 51100 Reims, France;4. Allergologie et pneumologie pédiatriques, hôpital des enfants, CHRU de Toulouse, France
Abstract:Oral food challenges (OFC) have to be carefully interpreted. OFC prove the food allergy or persistent food allergy. OFC prove also the absence or the cure of food allergy. Objective and subjective signs are distinguished. Cutaneous and gastrointestinal symptoms are more frequent than respiratory or systemic symptoms. Delayed reactions, isolated or associated, have to be taken into account. In some cases, the OFC cannot be interpreted. Negative double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge must be confirmed by an open manner.
Keywords:Tests de provocation par voie orale   Allergie alimentaire   Enfant   Interpré  tation
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