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作者姓名:史晶晶  时博  李青雅
摘    要:从历代本草记载及临床应用可见柴胡具有味苦、辛,性微寒,归肝、胆经等特点,能够解表退热、截疟、疏肝解郁、升举阳气,适用于肝郁气滞证、中气下陷证、少阳证、外感发热等,常与黄芩、黄芪、升麻、香附等药物配伍以增效。现代研究多认为柴胡具有解表退热,疏肝解郁,升举阳气等功效,适用于外感发热,病邪在少阳寒热往来,疟疾,肝郁所致胁痛、乳胀、月经不调,气虚下陷之脱肛、子宫脱垂、胃下垂等。

关 键 词:柴胡  药性  功能主治

Research on the Nature and Function of Chaihu(Radix Bupleurum)
Abstract:From the Bupleurum ancient materia medicine and its clinical application,it is visible that Chaihu (Radix Bupleurum) is bitter,acrid,slighdy cold.Characteristics of liver and gallbladder meridian,which can cure fever,malaria,soothing liver to relieve depression and lifting Yang Qi.Applicable to the stagnation of liver Qi stagnation syndrome,sinking of Qi of middle Jiao,Shaoyang syndrome,exogenous fever,often and baikal skullcap root,astragalus root,cimicifuga rhizome,nutgrass galingale rhizome etc.drug compatibility to efficiency.The modem thought has a solution form of Bupleurum antifebrile,soothing liver to relieve depression,lifting Yang Qi.Applicable to exogenous fever;pathogen in Shaoyang chills and fever;malaria;liver depression caused by the hypochondriac pain,breast swelling,menstruation does not adjust;Qi sinking and rectal prolapse,uterine prolapse,gastroptosis.
Keywords:Radix Bupleurum  drug properties  functional indications
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