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Microstructural white matter changes in euthymic bipolar patients: a whole-brain diffusion tensor imaging study
Authors:Michè  le Wessa,Josselin Houenou,Marion Leboyer,Sandra Chanraud,Cyril Poupon,Jean-Luc Martinot, Marie-Laure Paillè  re-Martinot
Affiliation:INSERM, U797, CEA–INSERM U797 Neuroimaging and Psychiatry, IFR49, University Paris Sud, University Paris 5, Hospital Department Frédéric Joliot, I2BM, Orsay, France;, Department of Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience, Research Group 'Emotional Processing in Bipolar Disorder', Central Institute of Mental Health, Mannheim, Germany;, AP-HP, Department of Psychiatry, Albert Chenevier and Henri Mondor Hospitals;, University Paris 12, Faculty of Medicine, IFR10;, INSERM U 841, IMRB, Department of Genetics, Psychiatry Genetic Team, Créteil;, CEA Neurospin, NMR Lab, IFR49, Gif-sur-Yvette;, AP-HP, Department of Adolescent Medicine, Cochin Hospital, University Paris 5, Paris, France
Abstract:Objectives:  Brain structures of a distributed ventral-limbic and dorsal brain network have been associated with altered mood states and emotion regulation in affective disorders. So far, diffusion tensor imaging studies in bipolar patients have focused on frontal/prefrontal brain regions and found alterations in white matter integrity in manic, depressed, and euthymic bipolar patients, observed as changes in fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity. To extend previous findings, we investigated whole-brain modifications in white matter integrity in euthymic bipolar patients with minimal manic and depressive symptoms.
Methods:  Twenty-two patients with a DSM-IV-TR diagnosis of bipolar I and II disorder in remission, with no lifetime or present comorbidities of substance abuse, and 21 sex- and age-matched healthy controls underwent diffusion tensor imaging with diffusion gradients applied along 41 directions. Fractional anisotropy and mean diffusivity group differences were explored using two voxel-based, whole-brain analyses that differ in their normalization approaches.
Results:  Fractional anisotropy was significantly increased in bipolar patients relative to healthy controls in medial frontal, precentral, inferior parietal, and occipital white matter. No group differences in mean diffusivity were found.
Conclusions:  The result of increased fractional anisotropy in euthymic bipolar patients in the present study suggests increased directional coherence of white matter fibers in bipolar patients during remission.
Keywords:bipolar disorder    fractional anisotropy    mean diffusivity    remission    voxel-based analyses
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