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Ostéochondrites disséquantes rares du genou chez l’enfant. À propos d’un cas tibial et d’ un cas rotulien et revue de la littérature
Authors:M Smida  M Jenzri  W Saied  M Zarraa  M Chebil  W Douira  H Louati  M Ben Ghachem
Institution:1. Service d’orthopédie de l’enfants et l’adolescent, hôpital d’Enfant, avenue 9-Avril, 1007, Bab-Saadoun, Tunis, Tunisie;2. Service de radiologie pédiatrique, hôpital d’Enfants, Tunis Tunisie
Abstract:Osteochondritis dissecans is a rare condition and often involves the medial femoral condyle. We are here reporting two uncommon localizations in children involving the lateral portion of the tibial plateau in one and the patella in the other. They were two fourteen-year-old boys with respectively 4 and 3 months history of a right knee pain and locking. No previous trauma had been noted. X-ray studies and MR images provided definitive diagnosis. However, in the tibial localization, osteochondritis was associated to a damaged lateral discoid menisci and in the patellar localization, the osteochondral fragment was detached in the joint. Regularization of the lateral menisci and removal of a loose body were respectively performed under arthroscopy in the two knees. Literature is reviewed with an emphasis particularly on pathogenesis of these rare localizations.
Keywords:Osté  ochondrite dissé  quante  Plateau tibial    nisque discoï  de  Rotule  Pathogé  nie
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