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Functional characteristics of the rat jaw muscles: daily muscle activity and fiber type composition
Authors:Nobuhiko Kawai   Ryota Sano   Joannes A M Korfage   Saika Nakamura   Eiji Tanaka   Tim van Wessel   Geerling E J Langenbach   Kazuo Tanne
Affiliation:1. Department of Orthodontics and Craniofacial Developmental Biology, Hiroshima University Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Hiroshima, Japan;2. Department of Functional Anatomy, Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam and Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands;3. Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, The University of Tokushima Graduate School of Oral Sciences, Tokushima, Japan;4. Institute for Fundamental and Clinical Human Movement Sciences, Free University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Abstract:Skeletal muscles have a heterogeneous fiber type composition, which reflects their functional demand. The daily muscle use and the percentage of slow‐type fibers have been shown to be positively correlated in skeletal muscles of larger animals but for smaller animals there is no information. The examination of this relationship in adult rats was the purpose of this study. We hypothesized a positive relationship between the percentage of fatigue‐resistant fibers in each muscle and its total duration of use per day. Fourteen Wistar strain male rats (410–450 g) were used. A radio‐telemetric device was implanted to record muscle activity continuously from the superficial masseter, deep masseter, anterior belly of digastric and anterior temporalis muscles. The degree of daily muscle use was quantified by the total duration of muscle activity per day (duty time) exceeding specified levels of the peak activity (2, 5, 20 and 50%). The fiber type composition of the muscles was examined by the myosin heavy chain content of the fibers by means of immunohistochemical staining. At lower activity levels (exceeding 2 and 5% of the peak activity), the duty time of the anterior belly of digastric muscle was significantly (P < 0.01) longer than those of the other muscles. The anterior belly of digastric muscle also contained the highest percentage of slow‐type fibers (type I fiber and hybrid fiber co‐expressing myosin heavy chain I + IIA) (ca. 11%; P < 0.05). By regression analysis for all four muscles, an inter‐muscular comparison showed a positive relationship between the duty time (exceeding 50% of the peak activity) and the percentage of type IIX fibers (P < 0.05), which demonstrate intermediate physiological properties relative to type IIA and IIB fibers. For the jaw muscles of adult male rats, the variations of fiber type composition and muscle use suggest that the muscle containing the largest amounts of slow‐type fibers (the anterior belly of digastric muscle) is mainly involved in low‐amplitude activities and that the amount of type IIX fibers is positively related to the generation of large muscle forces, validating our hypothesis.
Keywords:electromyogram  jaw muscle  myosin heavy chain  telemetry
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