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作者姓名:柴枝楠  廖家桢  刘江仁
作者单位:北京中医学院东直门医院气血研究室,北京中医学院东直门医院气血研究室,北京中医学院东直门医院气血研究室 研究生
摘    要:本文用放免法测定了一次静脉给药参芪液60ml 前后对冠心病心气虚或心阴虚患者血小板环核苷酸含量的变化。结果表明用药后一小时,血小板内 cAMP 含量由20.89±3.7增至30.0±3.0pm/10~9血小板(P<0.02),cGMP 含量由3.33±1.0增至5.4±1.2pm/10~9血小板(P<0.05)。心阴虚者用药后环核苷酸含量有下降趋势。用参芪后血小板环核苷酸含量增加可能为参芪抑制血小板聚集的机理之一。环核苷酸含量增加与参芪抑制磷酸二酯酶活性有关。

关 键 词:抗血小板聚集  磷酸二酯酶活性  环核苷酸  酸含量  心气虚  心阴虚  葡萄糖  冠心病患者  抑制血小板聚集  统计学处理

Effects of Codonopsis Pilpsulac-Astragalus Injection on the Cyclic Nucleotide Levels and the Phosphodiesterase Activity in Platelets
Abstract:It has been demonstrated that ADP-induced platelet aggregation in patients with coronary heart disease(CHD)was inhibited by Codonopsis Pilosulae-Astragalus Injection(CP-A),a drug of TCM for the treatment of CHD in our laboratory recently.In order to study the mechanism responsible for the effects of CP-A on platelets,the cAMP and cGMP levels in platelets in patients with CHD(N=15) were measured by radioimmunoassay method before and after a single dose of 60 ml CP-A(content of CP-A 30 gm each)intravenously,or 5% glucose 60 ml as control(N=9).The results showed that the cAMP and cGMP levels were increased by CP-A,from 20.89±3.7 to 30.0±3.0 PM/10~9PLA(P<0.02), 3.3±1.0 to 5.4±1.2 PM/10~9 PLA(P<0.05).In the experiment in vitro(N=16),the cAMP and cGMP levels were also increased,but were not so in that of glucose control group.When the cAMP level in platelets is raised,many platelet functions are inhibited.The results of the present study suggest that CP-A inhibits the platelet aggregation by increasing the cAMP level in platelets.The activity of PDE in platelet was inhibited by CP-A,which is responsible for the increase of cyclic nucleotide levels.
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