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引用本文:徐慧兰,肖水源,陈继萍. 下岗工人自杀意念及其危险因素研究[J]. 中国心理卫生杂志, 2002, 16(2): 96-99
作者姓名:徐慧兰  肖水源  陈继萍
基金项目:美国中华医学基金 (96 - 656)资助项目
摘    要:目的 :了解长沙市下岗工人的自杀意念及其危险因素 ,为预防下岗工人严重心理问题的出现提供科学依据。方法 :本研究采用自杀意念调查表、症状自评量表 (SCL -90 )、自尊量表 (SES)、特质应对方式量表 (TCQ)、社会支持量表 (SSQ)、生活事件量表 (LES)以及一般资料调查表 ,以整群抽样方法 ,调查长沙市国有亏损企业下岗以及在岗工人 13 44名 ,并通过单因素和多因素Logistic回归模型 ,筛选出自杀意念的主要危险因素。结果 :下岗工人中有近四分之一的人出现自杀意念 ,4 6%的人有详细的自杀计划和方法 ,2 8%有过自杀未遂行为。主效应非条件Logistic回归模型分析揭示自杀意念的主要危险因素是下岗前自杀意念、一般心理健康水平低、消极应对方式、生活事件 ,个人经济收入低、社会支持少、文化程度低。结论 :下岗工人中自杀意念发生率远高于在岗工人 ,也远高于一般人群。因此 ,提高下岗人群的健康水平是当前迫切需要解决的问题

关 键 词:下岗工人  自杀意念  危险因素  Logistic回归分析

Suicide Ideation in Laid-off Workers
Abstract:Objective: To investigate the suicide ideation and related risk factors in laid-off workers in Changsha Method: By cluster sampling, 675 laid-off workers of 6 factories were collected 675 workers still at work matched by sex and age were collected as control All subjects completed Suicide Ideation Questionnaire, SCL-90, SES (self-esteem scale), TCQ (trait coping questionnaire), SSRS (social support rating scale) and LES (life event scale) Among all them, the data of 6 subjects was incomplete, therefore totally there were data of 1344 subjects (rate of drop-off was 0 4%) One-way and multiple logistic regression were employed to identify risk factors for suicide ideation Results: About one in four laid-off workers (23 4%) reported suicide ideation, 4 6% had a suicide plan or thought of exact methods, 2 8% had attempted suicide after unemployment Multiple unconditioned logistic regression analysis showed that the major risk factors for suicide ideation were suicide ideation before unemployment, poor mental health, negative coping style, recent life events, low income, poor social support and poor education Conclusion: The prevalence of suicide ideation among laid-off workers is much higher than that of general population Improving their mental health may be a helpful way to prevent suicide
Keywords:laid-off worker unemployment suicide ideation risk factor logistic regression
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