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Influenza viruses which preconditioned the epidemic rise in Russia in 2002-2003. A resumed circulation of influenza viruses similar to V/Victoria/2/87
Authors:Ivanova V T  Burtseva E I  Slepushkin A N  Oskerko T A  Zagorskaia Iu V  Shevchenko E S  Mashkova S A  Feodoritova E L
Abstract:According to research, the epidemic rise of influenza was preconditioned, during 2002-2003, in Russia by the circulation of influenza A(H1N1), A(H3N2) and B viruses. The Center of Influenza Ecology and Epidemiology undertook a study of 178 epidemic strains: 41 strains A(H1N1), 116 strains A(H3N2) and 21 strains of influenza B were among them. All strains were isolated in the MDCK cell culture. A simultaneous isolation in embryonated eggs as well as changing of the isolation system from MDCK to embryonated eggs were found to be effective only for influenza A(H1N1) viruses. According to the antigenic analysis, all A(H1N1) viruses were variants of the etalon A/New Caledonia/20/99. The A(H3N2) viral strains' population was heterogeneous by its antigenic properties: among its isolates, there were variants similar to the etalons of A/Moscow/10/99 and of A/Panama/200/99 as well as strains, which weakly reacted with sera of both above etalons; possibly the latter were close to the etalon of A/Fujian/411/02. All epidemic strains of influenza B virus belonged, according to the antigenic properties of hemagglutinin, to the virus group of B/Victoria/2/87-like and were antigenic variants of the etalon of B/Hong Kong/22/01. This confirmed that influenza B viruses with the antigenic hemagglutinin structure of the virus group of B/Victoria/2/87-like, which were not present in Russia for more than 10 years, re-entered the active circulation. An analysis of antigenic properties of neuraminidases (NA) of the mentioned epidemic strains showed their different degrees of relationship with the NA etalons of both evolutionary groups, i.e. B/Victoria/2/87 and B/Yamagata/16/88-like. A study of paired sera obtained from patients showed a growth of antibodies to the etalons of influenza A(H1N1), A(H3N2) and B viruses of the season in question, which confirmed the virology data.
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