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Data sources, bed supply and performance in hospital systems: An Anglo-Czechoslovak comparison
Abstract:Background: There were a number of similarities, except fortheir effectiveness, in the health care systems of Czechoslovakiaand England and Wales between the Second World War and the late1980s. In a comparison of Czechoslovakia with England and Wales,the objectives of this study were to examine data sources andto report time trends and regional distributions in hospitalbed supply, hospital doctor supply and hospital utilisation.Methods: For the specialties of general medicine and generalsurgery in both countries from 1960 to 1986, data were collatedon bed supply, hospital doctor supply, discharge rates and lengthof stay. Issues concerning the comparability of the data wereaddressed, for example those of the definitions of specialty,length of stay and casemix. Results: In the period 1960 to 1986,in the specialties of general medicine and general surgery,there was a relative excess in the supply of hospital doctorsand beds in Czechoslovakia compared with England and Wales.Hospital performance in terms of discharge rates, dischargesper bed and length of stay remained relatively static in Czechoslovakiaduring this period compared to marked increases in dischargerates and reduced length of stay in England and Wales. Bothcountries recorded reductions in the regional variation of bedand doctor supply and hospital utilisation. Conclusions: Internationalstudies of hospital utilisation need to be interpreted carefullyin the light of definitions of hospital stay, casemix, the useof day cases and the availability of other services. Subjectto these caveats, discharge rates were high and duration ofstay long In Czechoslovakia compared with England and Wales;however, both countries achieved important improvements in regionalequity.
Keywords:Czechoslovakia   England and Wales   hospital inputs   hospital performance   regional variation   trends
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