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Book reviews
Abstract:Book reviewed in this article:
P reventive D entistry for the. A G uidebook of P ositive P reventive D ental C are , by J. Edward Shephard.
R emovable C losure of the I nterdental S pace (C.I.S.), by Arnold Gyrny.
M aterials S cience in D entistry , by E. H. Greener, J. K. Harcourt, and E. P. Lautenschlager.
O rthodontics : P rinciples and P ractice , By T. M. Graber.
S urface C hemistry and D ental I nteguments , edited by Lasslo, A., and Quintana, R. P. Springfield, Ill., Charles C. Thomas, 1973.
T ooth -C oloured F illing M aterials in C linical P ractice . Dental Practitioner Handbook No. 16, by L. W. Deubert and C. B. G. Jenkins.
F acial P rosthesis , by Arthur H. Bulbidian. Springfield, Illinois, Charles C. Thomas.
A natomy for S tudents of D entistry , by J. H. Scott and A. D. Dixon.
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