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The Bcl-2 protein family and its role in the development of neoplastic disease
Authors:Heiser Dietmar  Labi Verena  Erlacher Miriam  Villunger Andreas
Affiliation:Institute of Pathophysiology, University of Innsbruck Medical School, Fritz-Pregl-Str. 3, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria.
Abstract:Programmed cell death is the physiological process responsible for shaping organs during embryogenesis, maintaining tissue homeostasis and allowing controlled deletion of potentially harmful cells within the adult organism. The genetics of apoptosis are well conserved in all metazoans and although the evolution of humans and worms separated more than 600 million years ago, basic signaling concepts in apoptosis are highly related in both species. More crucial to humans than worms is the fact that abnormalities in cell death control can contribute to the development of cancer. While C.elegans can easily survive with additional somatic cells that should normally be deleted during development humans may suffer pathological consequences, ranging from tumorigenesis to autoimmunity, as a result of mutations in cell death regulatory genes. Despite the high degree of evolutionary conservation in cell death control, apoptosis signaling in mammals is much more complex than in C.elegans. In mammalian cells, programmed cell death can be induced either by ligand-mediated activation of certain members of the tumor necrosis factor receptor family--so-called 'death receptors'--such as Fas (CD95/Apo-1) and TRAIL or it can be induced in a cell autonomous manner in response to certain stress signals by pro-apoptotic members of the Bcl-2 family. In this review, we focus on general concepts of how the Bcl-2 protein family regulates cell death and how deregulation of this 'intrinsic' apoptotic signaling pathway impinges on the pathogenesis of malignant disease, the major cause of death in the aging population.
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