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引用本文:李小燕. 血管神经性头痛的中医治疗[J]. 光明中医, 2016, 0(15): 2261-2262. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-8914.2016.15.055
作者单位:甘肃省敦煌市中医医院内科 敦煌 736200
摘    要:血管神经性头痛属中医内伤头痛范畴,系因脏腑阴阳的虚损,精神情志的侵扰,精气营血的亏耗,饮食起居的失常,逐渐形成脏虚痰盛,阴虚火旺,阳虚寒凝,气虚血瘀及阳亢风动等病理现象。随着病理的不断发展,风火痰瘀相互交织,最终导致本虚标实之症。临床诊治本病,多从风火痰瘀入手,以"急则治其标,缓则治其本"为治疗原则。

关 键 词:血管神经性  头痛  中医药疗法  芎七止痛汤

Therapy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Angioneurotic Headache
Abstract:Angioneurotic headache belongs to internal injuries headache category of traditional Chinese medicine , is because of the deficiency of yin and yang of the viscera damage , the spirit emotional intrusion , essential qi and nutrient-blood deficit and dietary daily life disorder which gradually formed dirty virtual phlegm , hyperactivity of fire due to yin deficiency , yang deficiency and coagulated cold , qi deficiency and blood stasis and pathological phenomena .With the continuous development of pathology , the wind fire phlegm and blood stasis are intertwined , and eventually lead to the syndrome of deficiency in origin and excess in superficiality .Clinical treatment of the disease is mainly from fire wind, phlegm and blood stasis , and treatment principle is “treating secondary symptoms for emergency and relieving the primary symptom in a chronic disease”.
Keywords:Angioneurotic  Headache  Therapy of traditional Chinese medicine  Xiongqi Zhitong decoction
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