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引用本文:贾丽萍,王宇,邵建岗,宋玉萍. 面孔吸引力对不同性别大学生决策行为的影响[J]. 中国健康心理学杂志, 2016, 0(4): 537-541. DOI: 10.13342/j.cnki.cjhp.2016.04.015
作者姓名:贾丽萍  王宇  邵建岗  宋玉萍
作者单位:1. 中国.潍坊医学院心理学系 山东潍坊 261053;2. 潍坊医学院网络信息中心
摘    要:目的:考察面孔吸引力对不同性别大学生决策行为的影响。方法:本研究采用2(被试类型:男、女)×2(面孔吸引力水平:高、低)的实验设计,分别要求不同性别大学生在观看同性或异性不同吸引力面孔图片后做出决策选择。结果:在观看同性面孔图片时,被试类型和面孔吸引力的交互作用显著[F(1,45)=4.47,P0.05],进一步分析发现,男性大学生看了高吸引力的同性面孔后,更倾向于做冒险的决策(P=0.012),而女性大学生看了高、低吸引力同性面孔后的决策无显著差异(P0.05);在观看异性面孔图片时,吸引力水平主效应显著[F(1,45)=10.91,P0.05],相对于低吸引力异性面孔条件,男性大学生与女性大学生在看了高吸引力异性面孔后,都更倾向于做冒险的决策(P0.05)。结论:面孔吸引力可以影响大学生做出不同的决策行为,在面对高吸引力的同性面孔时,男性会更倾向于做出冒险的决策;而在面对高吸引力异性面孔时,男性和女性都倾向于做出比面对低吸引力异性面孔时更多的冒险决策。

关 键 词:面孔吸引力  性别差异  同性竞争  决策  冒险行为

The Influences of Physical Attractiveness on Decision Making for Different Genders
Affiliation:Jia Liping;Wang Yu;Shao Jiangang;Department of Psychology,Weifang Medical University;
Abstract:Objective:To investigate how physical attractiveness works on individual decision -making process of different genders .Methods:In this study ,a 2(participant gender:men ,women) × 2(facial attractiveness :high ,low )de‐sign was carried out ,The participants were asked to make risky decisions after seeing photos of different attractive photos .Results:When saw photos of the same gender ,the interaction between participant gender and facial attractive‐ness was significant[F(1 ,45)=4 4.7 ,P<0 0.5] ,further analysis showed that men tend to make risky decisions after seeing photos with high attractiveness (P<0 0.5) ,while photos with high or low attractiveness work in the same way on women;While when saw the photos of the opposite gender ,the main effect of facial attractiveness was signif‐icant[F (1 ,45)=10 9.1 ,P<0 0.5] ,both men and women tend to make risky decisions after seeing photos with high attractiveness compared with photos with low attractiveness (P<0 0.5) .Conclusion:Physical attractiveness works on individual decision-making process .When facing photos of the same gender of high attractiveness ,men tend to make risky decisions;and when facing photos of the opposite gender ,both men and women probably tend to make risky de‐cisions compared with photos with low attractiveness .
Keywords:Physical attractiveness  Sexual difference  Intrasexual competition  Decision -making  Risky deci-sion
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