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引用本文:许媛美,盛利,张英辉,何小琼,赵正前,王文娟,翟长平. 抑郁症患者对负性情绪面孔的注意偏向[J]. 中国健康心理学杂志, 2016, 0(4): 501-504. DOI: 10.13342/j.cnki.cjhp.2016.04.005
作者姓名:许媛美  盛利  张英辉  何小琼  赵正前  王文娟  翟长平
作者单位:1. 中国.四川省广元市精神卫生中心 628000;2. 安徽省蚌埠医学院精神医学系 233030;3. 安徽省荣军医院 233499
摘    要:目的:通过分析抑郁症患者在执行线索提示任务时的行为学特点,探索抑郁症患者对负性情绪信息注意偏向的认知特点。方法:筛选出符合国际精神疾病诊断与分类标准(ICD-10)的抑郁症患者20例(抑郁组),选取在性别、年龄、受教育年限方面与抑郁组相匹配的对照组20例。采用中科院心理研究所编制的中国化面孔情绪图片系统作为刺激材料,选择线索-靶子任务进行研究,比较两组被试在不同线索条件下反应时及正确率的差异。结果:抑郁组的总体平均反应时比对照组总体平均反应时长(t=-5.579,P0.01),对照组无效任务与有效任务反应时差值为正,抑郁组为负。对照组、抑郁组均表现出有效任务正确率高于无效任务(t=8.353,2.994,P0.01),中性图片正确率高于负性图片(t=7.363,4.499;P0.01)。结论:1抑郁症患者在执行线索提示任务时的反应速度较正常人慢,符合抑郁症患者思维迟缓、意志活动减退的症状特点;2正常人对情绪面孔图片表现出线索效应,抑郁症患者则表现出返回抑制,抑郁症患者未表现出显著的负性信息注意偏向。

关 键 词:抑郁症  情绪面孔  注意偏向  线索-靶子任务

Attention Bias to Negative Emotional Faces in Clinical Depression
Affiliation:Xu Yuanmei;Sheng Li;Zhang Yinghui;Guangyuan Mental Health Center;
Abstract:Objective:According to the characteristics of behaviorism when executing cue-target paradigm ,to ex‐plore clinical depressions’ cognitive features of attention bias of negative emotional information .Methods:Selected clinical depressions were in accordance with international psychiatric diagnosis and classification standard (ICD -10) ,20-case control group were selected in terms of gender ,age ,and education years which matched with depres‐sion group .Using the Chinese facial affective picture system established by psychological research institutes in Chi‐nese academy of sciences as stimulus materials ,selected cue-target paradigm as current experiment paradigm ,com‐paring the difference of mean reaction time and accuracy between two groups of subjects under the condition of dif‐ferent clues .Results:Compared to the control subjects ,clinical depressions’ total mean reaction time was longer(t=‐5 5.79 ,P<0 0.1) .The difference of control group between invalid task reaction time and effective one was positive , and the difference of depression group was negative .Both groups showed that the accuracy of effective tasks was higher than invalid one ,and the neutral one was higher than negative one(t=8 3.53 ,2 9.94 ,7 3.63 ,4 4.99 ;P<0 0.1) . Conclusion:①Compared to control subjects ,clinical depression’s speed of cognitive processing when executing cue-target paradigm is slower ,which can interpret the symptom characteristics of depression which are retardation of thinking and hypobulia .②Normal person shows cuing effect to negative emotional pictures ,clinical depression shows inhibition of return ,prompts that clinical depression tends to be attracted by negative information .
Keywords:Depression  Emotional faces  Attention bias  Cue-target paradigm
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