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Laparoscopic ovarian drilling versus GnRH antagonist combined with cabergoline as a prophylaxis against the re-development of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
Authors:Emaduldin Seyam  Enas Hefzy
Affiliation:1. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Minia University College of Medicine, Minia, Egypt;2. Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Fayoum University College of Medicine, Fayoum, Egypt
Abstract:Objective: The aim of this work was to investigate the value of laparoscopic ovarian drilling (LOD) compared with GnRH antagonist flexible protocol combined with cabergoline (Cb), as a prophylaxis against the re-development of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) in women with clomiphene citrate-resistant polycystic ovary disease (CCR-PCOD) who had severe OHSS before in a previous ICSI cycle.

Study design: It is a prospective controlled study, where 250 CCR-PCOD women (n?=?250) with a history of severe OHSS before, had been recruited for the study. LOD had been performed for 120 (n?=?120) of the recruited women before ovarian induction, and considered as group A. GnRH antagonist (Cetrotide 0.25?mg) was added when a leading follicle reaches 14–16?mm combined with oral Cb in a dose 0.5?mg a day before hCG, and for 8?d for another 130 (n?=?130) women, and considered as group B. Pregnancy was diagnosed with BhCG level ≥25?IU/L,?±?14?d after embryo transfer, followed with transvaginal ultrasound scanning (TVS) 2 weeks later to confirm intra-uterine pregnancy (IUP). Women were followed up weekly for 3?months for the possible development of any signs and symptoms of OHSS.

Results: None of the participants in group A developed severe OHSS, and only six women (5%) developed mild to moderate OHSS. The incidence of severe OHSS was significantly higher (n?=?3, 15%) in group B compared with group A (p?n?=?17, 13.3%) women in group B developed mild to moderate OHSS. The probability of developing severe OHSS was also significantly higher in group B as well (p?=?.031). Pregnancy rate (PR) was significantly higher in group A more than group B (67% versus 39%, respectively), and all were single intrauterine pregnancies (IUP) and all developed after fresh embryo transfer (ET), compared with frozen embryo transfer (FET) which was performed in 42 cases in group B after postponing ET due to significantly severe OHSS developed.

Conclusion: LOD could be considered a good prophylactic measure against OHSS, in addition to improving the total outcome of IVF cycles in women with CCR-PCOS.
Keywords:Ovarian drilling  GnRH antagonist  Cabergolin  ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome
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