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Differentiation of extracellular matrix in the cellular cartilage ("Zellknorpel") of the mouse pinna
Authors:R. Mallinger  P. Bö  ck
Affiliation:(1) Institut für Mikromorphologie und Elektronenmikroskopie, Universität Wien, Schwarzspanierstrae 17, A-1090 Wien, Austria
Abstract:Summary Differentiation of cellular cartilage was studied in the mouse pinna with particular reference to matrix material. Fixation of glycosaminoglycans was performed by the use of acridine orange and elastin was identified by staining thin sections with tannic acid and uranyl acetate.Condensation of mesenchymal cells (ldquoprechondroblastsrdquo) initiates the formation of a blastema of cartilaginous tissue at postnatal day 4. The synthesis of acidic glycosaminoglycans begins at postnatal day 8 when prechondroblasts transform to chondroblasts. Glycosaminoglycans can be detected within secretory vesicles of chondroblasts at postnatal day 8, in the extracellular space at postnatal day 13. Delicate collagen fibrils and elastic fiber microfibrils are seen between prechondroblasts and chondroblasts. Deposition of elastin begins at postnatal day 11. A network of elastic fibers and lamellae is formed, which replaces both collagen fibrils and elastic fiber microfibrils. In the interstice of mature cellular cartilage only elastin and proteoglycans are present (postnatal day 21).These findings indicate that cellular cartilage represents an independent kind of supporting tissue, which may serve as a progenitor of hyaline or elastic cartilage (ldquotransitional cellular cartilagerdquo) but does not differentiate from hyalin cartilage.With financial support from the ldquoHochschuljubiläumsstiftung der Stadt Wienrdquo. Part of this work has been presented at the ldquo3. Arbeitstagung der Anatomischen Gesellschaftrdquo, Würzburg, 6.-8. 10. 1982
Keywords:Cellular cartilage  Elastic cartilage  Extracellular matrix  Chondrogenesis  Mouse pinna
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