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The effect of three anti-oestrogen drugs on cervical mucus quality and in-vitro sperm--cervical mucus interaction in ovulatory women
Authors:Acharya, U.   Irvine, D.S.   Hamilton, M.P.R.   Templeton, A.A.
Affiliation:Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen Maternity Hospital Cornhill Road, Aberdeen AB9 2ZD, UK
Abstract:The anti-oestrogens, clomiphene citrate, tamoxifen and cyclofenilare commonly used in the treatment of female infertility. Theirrole in the management of anovulation is well established butthere is continuing controversy about their relevance to otherareas of management. We have studied the effects of each ofthese drugs on cervical mucus and sperm—cervical mucusinteraction among 23 patients with unexplained infertility.Each patient received all three drugs in an alternative monthtreatment regime and in addition acted as her own control. Thestarting point in each patient was randomized. Luteinizing hormone(LH) and oestradiol were measured daily from day 10, and folliclescanning was also undertaken. Cervical mucus quality and sperm—cervical mucus interaction were studied on the day ofonset of the LH surge. The use of clomiphene and tamoxifen resultedin a significant reduction in cervical mucus score and sperm— cervical mucus interaction as judged by the distancetravelled by the vanguard spermatozoa. Cyclofenil had no effecton these parameters.
Keywords:anti-oestrogens/cervical mucus/sperm —   cervical mucus interaction
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