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Dopaminergic terminals form synaptic contacts with enkephalinergic striatal neurons in pigeons: an electron microscopic study
Authors:Ellen J. Karle   Keith D. Anderson  Anton Reiner  
Abstract:Medium spiny projection neurons of the striatum consist of two major neuropeptide-specific types, one type containing substance P and another type containing enkephalin. Both of these types have been shown to receive dopaminergic input onto their perikarya and proximal dendrites. However, whether each of these types receives direct dopaminergic input onto distal dendritic shafts and onto dendritic spines has not been explored in depth. In the present study, we used electron microscopic immunohistochemical double-label techniques to examine the synaptic organization of dopaminergic input onto enkephalin-positive (ENK +) striatal neurons in pigeons, in whom ENK + striatal perikarya, dendritic shafts and spines can be readily labeled. Antibodies against tyrosine hydroxylase were used to label dopaminergic terminals using a silver-intensified immunogold method. ENK + neurons were labeled using diaminobenzidine. We found that dopaminergic terminals make appositions and form symmetric synapses with the perikarya, dendritic shafts, and dendritic spine necks of ENK + striatal neurons. Thus, nigral dopaminergic neurons provide a monosynaptic input onto ENK + striatal neurons in a manner similar to that described previously by us for substance P-positive striatal medium spiny neurons.
Keywords:Electron microscopy   Immunohistochemistry   Substantia nigra   Tyrosine hydroxylase   Basal ganglia   Ultrastructure   Double labeling
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