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引用本文:雷杰,徐爱强,李黎,刘萍,刘桂芳,郭晓东,王同展,王晓芳,赵世立,姜萍,周晓琳,王海岩. 山东省1995年脊髓灰质炎监测报告[J]. 中国疫苗和免疫, 1996, 0(4)
作者姓名:雷杰  徐爱强  李黎  刘萍  刘桂芳  郭晓东  王同展  王晓芳  赵世立  姜萍  周晓琳  王海岩
摘    要:自1991年4月以来,通过对报告的急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)病例和病人接触者的粪便标本检测,山东省未发现脊髓灰质炎(脊灰)野病毒。自1992年开始引用世界卫生组织(WHO)的诊断标准,每年均有一定数量的临床确诊脊灰病例。WHO提出,分离到野病毒作为唯一的确诊依据,在消灭脊灰后期很有必要。卫生部提出,在WHO推荐标准基础上结合专家组诊断意见,能保证临床符合病例具有较高特异性。山东省所有确诊脊灰病例均由专家组诊断,对专家组诊断的临床脊灰病例仍应引起高度重视,以便综合分析是否有野病毒引起的可能。15岁以下儿童非脊灰AFP病例报告发病率已连续3年达到1/10万的指标,AFP病例的粪便标本采集率达到80.2%,与医院的及时报告率提高有密切关系。受病例麻痹到就诊的时间间隔和其它客观因素的影响,麻痹两周内采集到合格粪便标本的期望比例为93.5%,市、县两级医院能否及时报告和采便是提高监测系统敏感性和质量的关键。报告AFP病例中经省专家组诊查剔除非AFP病例191例,占报告病例的31.2%。在强调监测敏感性的同时,也应注意提高监测工作的特异性,以全面提高监测工作的质量。

关 键 词:脊髓灰质炎,监测,急性弛缓性麻痹(AFP)

Lei Jie,Xu Aiqiang,Li Li,Liu Ping,Liu Guifang,Guo Xiaodong,Wang Tongzhan,Wang Xiaofang,Zhao Shili,Jang Ping,Zhou Xiaolin,Wang Haiyan. POLIOMYELITIS SURVEILLANCE IN SHANDONG PROVINCE IN 1995[J]. Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization, 1996, 0(4)
Authors:Lei Jie  Xu Aiqiang  Li Li  Liu Ping  Liu Guifang  Guo Xiaodong  Wang Tongzhan  Wang Xiaofang  Zhao Shili  Jang Ping  Zhou Xiaolin  Wang Haiyan
Abstract:fter checking the stool samples of AFP and their contacts,Shandong Province is wild-typepolio virus free since April 1991.the laboratory results are believable, there is no evidence to showthat in Shandng Province there has wild polio virus.By using the WHO recommendedcertification in 1992,Shandong has 7-9 VAPP cases per year.In the last stage of polioeradication;isolation of wild polio virus for confirming polio is the unique evidence.WHOrecommended certification of AFP cases when combines with the clinical experts'idea can specificallyconfirm the polio cases.It must be concerned that polio compatible cases is dangerous because ofthe wild polio virus. AFP cases among children under 15 years old is above 1.0 per 100,000 popu-lation for more than 3 years. Collection rate of stool samples from AFP cases increased in 1995.Ifthe city and county level hospitals can report any AFP cases rapidly it can greatly improve thestool sample collection tate.There are 191 non-AFP cases reported by hospitals of two levels inShandong Province in 1995.The specificity of AFP survillance survillance system system must be evaluated on thisproblem.
Keywords:Poliomyelitis   Surveillance  Acute flaccid paralysis(AFP)
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